
I'm a UX person, data enthusiast, and developer based in Toronto. I love board games, The Atlantic, classic horror films, and Heroes of the Storm deep cuts. I do not love IPAs.

Sometimes I write articles on Medium. Feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile.


University of Guelph


MSc. Computer Science

Specialization in Human-Computer Interaction. Coursework also included neural networks, genetic algorithms, and multi-agent systems. My thesis examined the effects of personality traits on code inspection performance.

University of Guelph


Bachelor of Computing

Computer Science focus, with a minor in Business Administration.


Morrongiello, B.A., Corbett, M., Switzer, J., & Hall, T. (2015). Using a virtual environment to study pedestrian behaviors: How does time pressure affect children and adults crossing streets? Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

Corbett, M., Morrongiello, B.A, Vierich, R., Beer, J. & Hall, T. (Dec, 2012). Using a virtual reality pedestrian simulator to study child pedestrian injury risk behaviour. Presented at the 18th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.